I Forgot to take a before picture of the old Closet Door. The color before was basically dark wood. I needed another Picture Wall in our entry for other son D. So when I saw this closet door at Salvation Army for $4.00 I bought it right then. I painted it with Rustoleum Spray Paint in Canyon Black, distressed it, and stained it. I wanted it to have a door knob. I was at The Cannery in North Ogden and saw this door knob in white and though it would be perfect for my Closet door.

I attached the pictures with Scrapbooking clips. My mom had a whole bunch of Mattes from BEV's already. I just went through and picked colors that I liked. Found cute ribbon in my scrapbooking stuff and attached the ribbon to the hooks and hung them on the closet door.

I really liked how it turned out. Know I need to learn how to use my Cricut and cut out some vinyl to put above the closet door.
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