This is the cutest high chair ever. They don't make them like this anymore, which is to bad because they are so CUTE, solid wood, and durable.
This piece is so SPRINGY, I love this color it's by Rustoleum Summer Squash.
I added all the little wood dowels to cover all the screws! Makes it look so much more finished.
We added this cover to the brown strap, because it was so dirty and didn't match. The black & white with the yellow is so FUN. Like I always say black & white looks cute with any color.
Added a whole bunch of Polly to the seat and the tray.
So when Rachel came to take a peek at her Kitchen Table & Chairs. She asked if I have ever come across any wood high chairs. I said well just last friday I saw one at the Salvation Army. Well it's Tuesday, Rachel was so excited and both of us were hoping it would still be there!!!!! So Jenny called Joe and asked if the piece was still there???????
It was YEAH! I went down right then and bought it.